Submission Instructions

(**Sago has been upgraded to "Sago Novel", please contact your editor to publish your novel.**)

1.I am interested in becoming an author. What are the submission requirements?

Hi there! We currently accept novel works in We are currently accepting fiction works in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, and Thai.  You can register/login through the author platform and upload your works in <Works Management> after success! A member of our staff will sign your work after it has been reviewed. Upon successful completion of the contract, your work will be posted on the platform and you will be paid!

2.Does the work need to be finished to be submitted?

We welcome serialized works, and we are willing to grow with you!

3.Where can I view my published works? Is it possible for me to have my work on multiple platforms?

We currently have five platforms, namely (Sago Novel, Novelsago, Novel Sky, LikeRead), and more will follow! When you upload your work, you can select one or more platforms according to the language you want to submit your work!

4.Why are some platforms unable to submit?

There are some platforms that do not currently support your language, so you cannot submit your work. Select a platform that supports your language. More languages will be added to other platforms in the future, so please stay tuned!

5.How much revenue can I get after submitting my work? How can I cooperate?

We have 4 major platforms (Sago Novel, Novelsago, Novel Sky, LikeRead). Your work will be published on the shelves of the corresponding platform once it has been approved and signed. Revenue share can be as high as 50% on each platform, and if more platforms are released, more revenue will be generated!


Support Submission Language

  Cooperation Model  

  Share of revenue  

Novel sky


  Book coins revenue share   




  Book coins revenue share  



   English, German, Italian, Vietnamese, 

Indonesian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese,Thai Language   

  Advertising revenue share  


Sago Novel

   English, German, Italian, Vietnamese, 

Indonesian, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese,Thai Language   

  Advertising revenue share  


6.How long does it take for the submitted work to be reviewed?

Our staff will review your work after you submit the ≥30 chapters in 1~5 business days. (Please note that the number of chapters <30 will impact the work review and signing). You can see the review status of your work through <work management>.

7.How do I sign a contract after submitting my work?

Following approval of your work, our staff will contact you via your frequently used email address, and you can then sign the contract by email in the Author Center - complete the author Information and payment information. Please check your emails and keep in touch with us.


◆ Signing instructions:

7.1. The work must be your original work, non-original translated novels are not accepted.

  • The length of submitted novels must be no less than 800 words per chapter and no less than 40,000 words after they are finished.

  • There must be no claims to copyright disputes with the novel submitted by the author.

  • It must not contain plagiarism, excessive plot or text, pornography, politics, drugs, terrorism, etc.

7.2. The platform has the right to refuse to review or take down the work if the following problems exist for works that are not suitable for contract application.

  • The work violates relevant laws and regulations.

  • There is plagiarism or non-original translation, involving copyright disputes.

  • The work contains content that does not conform to the values of youth or is not suitable for public publication or release.

7.3. Authors' primary rights:

  • Contract works will receive copyright share, activity rewards, supplemental rewards, and other author rights and interests.

  • The submission platform will offer promotion opportunities for contracts that meet certain conditions.

  • If you don't have a suitable book cover, you can submit it without uploading the cover, we will customize the cover for you, meanwhile, you can also contact us to design the cover for you.

  • Detailed information is available in the contract.